年初几个朋友相约来爬Mt Whitney — 位于加州和内华达州交界地带的美国本土最高的山峰。步道每天只发放100个通行证,抽签中奖的概率非常低。但是我们运气不错,居然抽到9月7号的签。小伙伴们训练和准备了半年,但是人算不如天算,临行之前我们抽到的通行证被取消了,因为加州今年山火肆虐,导致整个8月31号到9月14号期间国家森林步道全部关闭。
既然不能爬Mt Whitney, 那就在附近的景点玩玩,在Alabama Hills走乱石阵,Wild Willy Hot Springs泡野外温泉,Crowley Lake探索神秘石柱,和爬上海拔13000英尺(3981米)的Mt Dana登高望远。
You have a very lovely family and it is wonderful that you like to travel together. You have been to many fantastic places. We have also been to many of the same places like Ah Shi Sle Pah, Valley of Dreams, Bisti, etc. etc.
Keep enjoying the beauty of nature.
From Livermore, CA